Control arms:
Removed bushings and cleaned up the upper-control arms, the lower control arms had some stiffener metal added for support, then painted. I bought my stiffener plates from Mancini Racing - look in their online catalog section for "Suspension & Chassis", a good deal at $23.......
Upper control arm:
Lower control arm - stiffener added:

Front Clip...
Cleaning up the firewall area... Somewhat of a challenge, first I have to clean off the grease, next the undercoating (in some places), then I have 2-3 layers of paint to remove.
Almost cleaned off....
Air vent louver area - hard to scrape out all the paint between the slits...
Paint stripped off.... (mental note: next car I work on will be dip stripped or sand blasted first - this was a pain!)
All paint stripped off, POR-15 on the inner fender areas & high rust areas (covered with Tie-coat primer - lite blue color).
Sprayed with PPG K36 Primer (K201 catalyst too)....
Finally!!.... Primer on all paintable surfaces!....
But.... way back when... about 5 years ago, I messed up when I pulled out the dent in the tail-light area... it is not out far enough to meet the back edge of the trunk lid. Doh! So that is my next mission... more to follow....
...and then work on the area behind the dash... have to chase out all those spiders first...
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